Randi, 27, Former Child. Ya, my Mom and I go way back. Could've sworn she and Ralph were already married.
P.S. Thanks Lane and C for the moral support. C grab a buddy and get the oranges from the back of the Honda.
Ciera H. Schwarzer - Maid of Honor
Slated to graduate from UNH in the Spring of 2024, please don't ask me what I want to do with my life, your guess is as good as mine.
Alayna, Randi, and I sure know how to turn a one person job into a three person job.
I would love to see picture of your dogs. But, I would love it even more if you discreetly suggested to my Dad and Kirsten that they should adopt a dog. Or install a pool. Either will suffice.
Upset they wouldn't hire the Steely Dan cover band.
I knew my Dad and Kirsten would get married the second he proposed.
Alayna M. Schwarzer - Maid of Honor
Lanie is currently a computer science and political science major at Northeastern (thoughts+prayers for midterm season are appreciated). She doesn't believe in the zodiac but will make fun of your star sign anyways. Current mood: confused why she couldn't officiate the ceremony in her Party City Elvis Costume, and wondering when appetizers will be passed around.
Cody M. Schwarzer - Best Man
Living at the lab bench, I'm more fascinated by the nucleus than nuptials, but I'm excited to have another join our familial madhouse (Kirsten blink twice if you are under duress). As the family grinch, I'll counter Ciera - We should all suggest Dad and Kirsten not adopt a dog and not install a pool. Dad does enough of the former already and Kirsten doesn't need yet another being to clean up after. Though I'll have to agree with C, I do think the Steely Dan band is a must. Jokes aside, welcome to the chaos, Kirsten.
Kyle A. Rocca - Best Man
Kyle, 30, learning HVAC was a curse (everyone, leave me alone the weekend of the 14th, my mother is getting married).
I'm against Ciera's idea of the pool, Ralph is going on year 17 of "I'm giving it up, I swear" and I am really not trying to build an outdoor kitchen to go with it.
More sincerely, welcome to the Kristensen compound, Ralph. Can't wait to celebrate you & Mom with everyone.
Kyle J. Schwarzer - Best Man
"He shoots! He sco... he's uhh, he's still shooting, it's okay he'll get it, he's trying."
Benjamin O. Towsky - Ring Bearer
The one and only Benny. Compassionate, kind hearted and smart. He loves his sister beyond words!
Magnolia L. Watson - Flower Girl
Oldest great niece, a/k/a Maggie or Mag Pie. She is part of the graduating class of 2036! Her favorite colors are purple and pink. She loves broccoli and believe it or not, homework. When she grows up she would like to be a police officer!
Clara E. Watson - Flower Girl
a/k/a Clara Bean. Favorite foods are oranges and macaroni. Spit fire. Creative thinker. Hilarious.
Aurora L. Towsky - Flower Girl
Youngest great niece. Also known as Boris or Roar Roar Dinosaur. She will steal your heart <3.